Why I became a Health Coach

Victoria Mudie, a former Marketing & Business Consultant, completed her Health Coach training online with CNM, successfully graduating in December 2020.
Here is Victoria’s story and why she studied to become a Health Coach at CNM.
What made you want to become a Health Coach?
After having children, I wanted to get back into work and do something I’m passionate about. Flexibility around my family life was key. Eating fresh food, being outdoors and working with people has always been important to me; I’ve done a lot of mentoring and people management in my previous roles. Becoming a Health Coach has created my perfect job, allowing me to combine all of these passions.
What attracted you to CNM’s Health Coach course?
During my research, I was impressed by CNM’s honest marketing, in that it wasn’t overtly ‘salesy’ or pushy like some of the other providers in the market. Studying with a college where the knowledge and experience stemmed from nutrition, rather than mainstream coaching, was paramount for me. Most other training colleges are experienced in general coaching, not nutrition; they’ve simply expanded their offering into the Health Coaching field. At CNM you gain an excellent understanding of the body and using food as medicine, in addition to the coaching skills.
What did you enjoy most about the course?
The way the course was structured and the ordering of the modules was fantastic. Starting with “how your body works” was so fascinating as it helped me to understand all the body systems and how they function. The variety of lecturers was great; they are all so knowledgeable. I was extremely impressed with the Business, Marketing & PR module as it makes students focus on areas like business plan, target market and busines offering; these are vital when starting and running a successful business. Studying online provided me with flexibility so I could fit the course around my life, family and other work commitments.

How has studying the Health Coach diploma changed your life?
Now I have the ability, skills and knowledge from CNM to be able to help others with their health which makes me so happy. It has given me back my enthusiasm about the future and made me realise that a change of career after children, in my 40s, is not just a possibility, but an inspiring reality!
What you are doing now that you are qualified?
During my due diligence in researching CNM before signing up to the course, I noticed the college was advertising for the role of Director of Studies in Birmingham – I applied and started in April 2020, just as the UK lockdown commenced. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed learning more about CNM, being part of the team and getting to know the students based out of the Birmingham college. I’m looking forward to my future at CNM as the Health Coach Course Director.
I am also in the process of setting up a private Health Coaching practice from home. I’d also like to work within the NHS supporting GP practices to improve the overall health of their patients.
What do you love about being a Health Coach?
It’s a simple concept, that when put into practice can provide patients with the skills, knowledge and belief that they are able to change their futures, to one that is healthier and happier.
What advice would you give to anyone thinking about becoming a Health Coach?
Do your research; think about what you would look for in a Health Coach and make sure the course you pick ticks all those boxes. The world, more than ever, needs support in improving the health of the people in it – as a Health Coach you are perfectly placed to be able to do that. And finally, don’t overthink it – just sign up, get on with it and trust that your future will be prosperous one!
Categorised in: Health