- Natural therapies such as Health Coaching are in the UK, like in many other countries, voluntarily regulated.
- All CNM courses are accredited by the leading professional associations in the UK, Europe and internationally.
- CNM is dedicated to training successful and qualified practitioners. For more information, or to receive a prospectus, please use our contact form, call 01342 410 505, or email info@thehealthcoach.com
Accredited by the ANP (Association of Naturopathic Practitioners)
UK & Ireland
Approved by the UK Health Coaches Association
Accredited by the NHS PCI (Personalised Care Institute)
Accredited by the Cyprus Alternative Therapies Association.
Approved by the IICT (International Institute for Complementary Therapists)
Australia, New Zealand, Canada, UK and EU
Approved by COMENSA (Coaches and Mentors of South Africa) as a Silver Level Programme
Accredited by the KTNO (Kwaliteit en Toetsing Natuurgerichte Opleidingen)