How to Overcome Life Challenges

7 ways to solve problems and difficult situations

Are you struggling with challenging situations or problems?

Perhaps your health, finances or relationships need some attention?

Do you find it hard to achieve your goals?

Learn how to overcome life challenges, solve problems and reach your goals

Dealing with difficult situations

Life can sometimes be chaotic and stressful, compromising your health and adding pressure to your relationships, personal commitments and work-life balance. When problems or difficult situations arise, it can be hard to navigate through without a clear plan of action. The first step to dealing with problems is to face them head on by writing each problem down.

How to solve your problems

  1. Write down all the problems you have. This could be in relation to your health such as adopting a healthy lifestyle, sticking to healthy food choices or avoiding bad habits like eating too much sugar, smoking or drinking coffee and alcohol. It could also be related to problems in life such as relationships, finances or work. Whatever comes to mind, write it down. You may even find solutions to your problems as you write.
  2. Adopt a positive attitude when facing your problems. Avoid negative language such as “I’ll try”, “I hope”, “I’m not sure I can”, “I’ll do my best”. Positivity helps when trying to find solutions. Acknowledge and congratulate yourself for the progress you make along the way.
  3. Don’t worry. It is counterproductive, creating doubt and causing more distress. Taking action is far more productive and it gives you back control of the situation. When you take on too much or you have too many unfinished jobs, you can feel overwhelmed. Deal with one job or activity at a time before moving onto the next. Create a plan with an action list. Include a date of when you need action things by to ensure you get things done.
  4. Think about how you can solve your problems. To make it easier, pick the smaller problems first as bigger problems may take more time to solve. What action can you take to address the problem? This could be making time for daily exercise, quitting coffee or speaking to your boss about a work-related issue.
  5. Consult with an expert or talk to a friend about your problems. A Health Coach can help to reach your goals quicker as they are experienced in helping people through potential challenges.
  6. Go for a walk or a run as it can help your reasoning ability, relieve stress and assist with problem solving. When you’re relaxed, you’re able to think through problems with more clarity to find suitable solutions. Ensure you get sufficient sleep and eat well, both of which help your brain to function efficiently. Avoid listening to negative media such as the news as this can often cause more stress.
  7. Deal with problems as they arise. Don’t park things for another time or delay in dealing with an issue as this will only cause problems to mount and backlog. Facing problems head-on is the best way to reduce stress and save time in the long-term.

An affirmation is a positive statement that can help you overcome a challenge or negative thought. Affirmations are a great way to validate the goals you want to achieve. By using positive language, as opposed to negative statements, you’re helping to reprogramme old thought patterns.

Examples of affirmations to overcome a problem or challenge include:

  • I am healthy and I live life to the full.
  • I have a loving relationship with a partner I respect.
  • I’m successful and money comes to me easily.
  • I accept challenges as they help me to grow as a person.

Create your own set of affirmations based on your specific problems and challenges. Once you have written them down, repeat the affirmations on a daily basis as it will help you to achieve your goals and overcome your challenges.

Achieve your goals in 2021

Life can often present you with challenges and problems which can be hard to navigate. In order to overcome life challenges and problem-solve difficult situations, you firstly need to acknowledge why these problems arose and how they are negatively impacting your life. Once you know this, you can then come up with some possible solutions and devise an action plan to resolve the situation. Stay motivated so you can achieve your goals in 2021.

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