Successful health coach secrets

7 tips to build your wellness empire

You’ve passed your health coach diploma with flying colours, got your brand name and logo sorted and you’re raring to go. Now what?

You have all the tools and knowledge to get started, but how do you create a thriving health coaching business?

The secret to becoming a successful health coach starts with seven key things. Learn how to build your wellness empire from day one so your health coaching career can flourish.

Here’s our 7 tips to become a successful health coach


Tip #1 – Define your niche  

You can’t be all things to all people so it’s best to specialise and have a specific niche. What area of health are you most interested in? What lights you up? What are your strengths? It’s also essential to know exactly who your ideal customer is and understand how they think – what makes them tick and what are their pain points? When you know this, you can tailor your products and services, offering a health solution that’s perfect for them.

Tip #2 – Be yourself

Don’t try to be anyone else, no matter how famous or popular they are. Authenticity is key when building a brand and client base. When you’re not being true to yourself, it shows and people can see through it. Ask yourself – what makes you different from other health coaches? Only you can do what you do so applaud yourself for being unique and start putting your special skills into practice.

If doing live videos on social media is not your thing, don’t force yourself to do them. If you prefer to write blogs or create recipes, do more of this. Don’t be afraid to be you – have your own unique voice and branding, create your signature style of working and only work with clients you want to work with.

Tip #3 – Keep learning

Studying shouldn’t stop when you graduate with your health coach diploma – this is just the beginning; the learning never stops. Things are constantly changing in the wellness world and staying abreast of new trends and research is essential. When clients ask you questions, ensure you’re fully equipped to answer them and provide an informed response. Plus, learning about health and wellness is fun!

Tip #4 – Build a community

 Building a community of loyal clients and followers will catapult your health coaching business. Become the go-to expert in your field by sharing valuable content and position yourself as the authority on a particular subject. This might be gluten-free recipes or healthy eating for busy mums. By creating a supportive community in your niche, you’re building trust which is crucial – the word-of-mouth referrals will start pouring in.

Tip #5 – Put yourself out there

 If you want people to know you’re a health coach and that you provide a health coaching service, you have to tell them. Getting your diploma, building a website and printing some business cards is not enough to kickstart your health coaching business; you need to be brave and put yourself out there.

Do talks, connect with other wellness practitioners to create a referral network and start sharing content on social media. Go to networking events, do some guest blogs for wellness influencers, get featured on podcasts and interviewed for health magazines. Do whatever you can to get yourself known.

Tip #6 – Be consistent 

If you start doing social media or blogging, be consistent. Don’t start strong for a few weeks and then go silent, not communicating again for weeks. In order to build a loyal following, you need to instil trust and demonstrate you’re here to stay, come rain or shine. If you can’t commit to weekly blogging or daily social media posting, then do one blog a month and post twice per week to your socials.

Tip #7 – Generate multiple income streams

Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. One-to-one coaching is a great place to start but be aware, it does have an earning ceiling as there are only so many clients you can see in one day. Groups coaching on the other hand, means you can coach several people at one time and earn ten or twenty times that of a single client.

Think about other avenues where you can earn revenue as a health coach. Can you write recipes books, do corporate consulting or create courses? There are so many options available to you as a health coach so dream big and make it happen.

A prosperous and rewarding career

Graduating with your health coach diploma is only the start of your health coaching journey. In order to create a thriving health coaching career and wellness business, you need to implement some key things into your business plan and marketing strategy. Understanding your customers and getting yourself noticed as the go-to health expert are essential; along with being yourself, having a consistent communication plan and building a community. Think outside of the box to create other sources of income from your health coaching business.

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