There is a demand for Health Coaches

Discover how much the Health Coach industry is actually worth
With an overstretched healthcare system and chronic health conditions on the rise, the necessity for Health Coaches has never been greater.
But, is there a demand for Health Coaches?
A resounding yes!
Discover how much the Health Coach industry is worth and why now is the perfect time to train to become a Health Coach.
The growth of the Health Coaching industry
The demand for Health Coaches has grown exponentially, especially during the last year where people have become more conscious about their health in order to improve their physical and emotional wellbeing. The industry is set to double its growth in the next few years, increasing work opportunities for Health Coaches, so if you’ve been thinking about training to become a Health Coach, now is a perfect time.
As the world is now more digitalised, people have become accustomed to having meetings and appointments online using video conferencing tools and specialised health technology such as Telehealth. This has opened up a whole new way of working, allowing Health Coaches to connect with a wider audience and offer their services virtually to a global market, as opposed to being limited to local, face-to-face appointments.
Health Coaches in the NHS
In the UK, the NHS created an accreditation process as part of the NHS Personalised Care Institute that enables Health Coach training providers to accredit their courses after undergoing a quality-control assessment. CNM is currently in the process of applying for accreditation with the scheme.
Health Coaches in GP Surgeries
The demand for Health Coaches in GP surgeries and other NHS services has grown considerably in recent years. Health Coaches have the ability to educate and advise patients on diet and lifestyle which GPs don’t have the time or training to do. A Health Coach bridges the gap between doctor and patient, providing an essential health service for both parties.
This approach to health is patient-focussed, helping patients to overcome obstacles on their journey to health. Using specific coaching strategies and tools, Health Coaches can assist with weight loss, stress management, digestive issues such as constipation, diabetes and detoxification. They are able to create meal plans, recipes, exercise and sleep routines, stress management plans and assist with achievable goal setting.

“There is definitely a need for Health Coaches to work alongside doctors. To see health coaching in the day-to-day GP work would positively impact so many patients. Using health coaching as part of a doctor’s care would reach far and wide and work well in conjunction with the services that conventional medicine has to offer.”
Dr. Jasmeen Kaur Mehta Jhajj – MBBS BSc (neuroscience) FSRH DRCOG MRCGP
Health Coaches in Corporate Wellness
Corporate wellness is also on the rise as businesses look for ways to improve employee wellbeing. The opportunity for Health Coaches to expand their offering and maximise their value within organisations through health talks and wellness programmes is endless.
The value of the Health Coach industry
In 2020, the global Health Coach market was valued at $13.6 billion and is set to grow to $28 billion by 2030. This kind of growth is phenomenal and demonstrates the perceived value that Health Coaches have. Health Coaches are considered a necessity for sparking change in health and wellbeing.
CNM is dedicated to providing quality Health Coach training and creating awareness about the benefits health coaching, allowing Health Coaches to forge their path in the industry and become successful Health Coaches with thriving businesses.
The value and credibility of Health Coaches will continue to grow as more government agencies and organisations see how the Health Coach profession contributes to health and wellbeing.
Change careers to do a job you love
The Health Coach industry is booming and isn’t showing signs of slowing down any time soon. The career opportunities and revenue streams available to Health Coaches are endless, especially now that the NHS has recognised the value that Health Coaches bring to healthcare. If you’ve been thinking about changing careers to do a job you love, that offers flexibility and diversity, consider training as a Health Coach with CNM. CNM’s Health Coach diploma is accredited and approved by leading associations both in the UK and Ireland and internationally.
Listen to Health Coach graduate Izzy Walton share her experience of studying at CNM and why she highly recommends CNM’s Health Coach training.
Categorised in: Health